
TRial Exam

I was busy study now..Hope I can get a good result in the exam..SPM result was so important for me.Its all for my own good and for a better future.I willing sacrify my time on my education so I won't make my parent upset with my result and worried about me..I wan to prove that I can do it!!! Aim to get many many A's!

Study Hard

Rabbit's BirthdaY

Many anecdotes are happened today..
My classmate,Daniel was uncontrolled today.
His reaction make us felt surprised and sad..Usually he always sleep in the classroom doing nothing.Since the moment I recognized him,he will talk to himself for sometimes.Last year he always trying so hard to score his exam although he know his hand-writing are bad.This year he was give up in everything included himself..He just submit the blank exam paper, never mix or chat with others and never listened while teacher teaching.Horrible! As a classmate, I also have no idea to help him.But today,he was hyperactive.He ran out of the class while teacher are teaching. Our monitor almost get crazy with his behaviour.Teacher has order him go around the school and INVITE him back to his sit. He tried to catch him from running. As I know, Daniel was tried to escape from us for 3 times! Monitor was cried..He was no idea to persuade DAniel retain as normal although he was sacrify his time from the important lessons.This time, I noticed that he are a responsible monitor.He was not the playboy that I recognized before.He is getting mature..

Second event is 1 of my best friend cried because another friend was betrayed her.

Today is my X-best friend's birthday.Until now,our misinterpret cannot be solved until the end of my life.I was no chance to explain all this to her.Anyway,she are still best friend in my heart although she still hate me.I hope that we can be buddy again in the future..
........HAPPY BIRHTDAY..........



Our school Chinese Society had organised a singing competition on 20 Jun 2009(saturday). Nothing special..I bought a tiket and entered the hall.As AJK of the Chinese Society, I will always support them..The only outstanding anecdote is our teacher,Miss Lai Mooi Ling sang a song named"AJINOMOTO"before the results were announced. It is a Japanese song,GENG ah!I felt a bit upset when went to this singing competition because there got nothing I can help for this competition.I just sat inside the hall doing nothing.Maybe I always busy joining St.John activities until no time participate other activities.So sad...


爱--> loV3

徐志摩 作品

世界上最遥远的距离 不是生与死而是我就站在你面前 你却不知道我爱你

世界上最令人察觉不到的事情 便是你我在一起时那个不断流逝着的据说叫做「幸福」的日子

世界上最遥远的距离不是我就站在你面前 你却不知道我爱你而是明明知道彼此相爱 却不能在一起

世界上最遥远的距离不是明明知道彼此相爱 却不能在一起而是明明无法抵挡这股想念却还得故意装作丝毫没有把你放在心里

世界上最遥远的距离 我明明无法抵挡这股想念却还得故意装作丝毫没有把你放在心里而是用自己冷默的心对爱你的人掘了一条无法跨越的沟渠。。



I have joined "Star Reward"with my classmates last month.This year is special than previous year because we were tried to do a simple magazine+1 video clip.Me,triple Y, Ah Loh, Wai Loon and our class genius-Ng Chun Yuen were in the same group.During the holiday, i was in universal camp lll, went for the additional class at school and trained marching at Ipoh Padang. It almost make me unable to breathe..That triple Y always remind us go out doing magazine but no one obey him.Finally, i was spent my time done all three pages magazine and triple Y made a video clip. Although Chun Yuen was always get the 1st place in our class, bt...when we mention about the magazine, he said that his computer kena virus..haiz! Ah loh and Wai Loon do nothing and just waiting for the pizza,haha! So what should we do? Triple Y and me spent energy, 3 of them must spent money la!haha..must fair and square mah!
While doing the magazine, i find out that i love design. I almost designed the magazine until forgot to eat my lunch or dinner..haha..Hoping that my magazine will win the camera and nt only the pizza.Dreaming...



14 March 2009-choo suit ying, lee kar yen, me,ch'ng lai wah n cheriessa yong were 1st time participated state competition..my hand started sweating.haizz..we were busy to prepare our monthly test and pratice for the Sport's Day marching until no time training for our competition..haiz,we are poor in time management..Eventually,5 of us stil get bad result in the monthly test and lose the school marching competition.Luckily, i sacrified my time forced myself "sWallOw"the 1st aid manual before the competition and won the 1st prize-perseorangan terbaik!haha..In state comp, we try our best, go for training everyday,bt..lose again. Although my team lose in tis competition, bt we get a lot experience on it.Prepare well before go comp, 10% rely on our lucks..We suffering, cried and shared feeling together..I hope my junior will not follow our footsteps.Gambateh!