

I have joined "Star Reward"with my classmates last month.This year is special than previous year because we were tried to do a simple magazine+1 video clip.Me,triple Y, Ah Loh, Wai Loon and our class genius-Ng Chun Yuen were in the same group.During the holiday, i was in universal camp lll, went for the additional class at school and trained marching at Ipoh Padang. It almost make me unable to breathe..That triple Y always remind us go out doing magazine but no one obey him.Finally, i was spent my time done all three pages magazine and triple Y made a video clip. Although Chun Yuen was always get the 1st place in our class, bt...when we mention about the magazine, he said that his computer kena virus..haiz! Ah loh and Wai Loon do nothing and just waiting for the pizza,haha! So what should we do? Triple Y and me spent energy, 3 of them must spent money la!haha..must fair and square mah!
While doing the magazine, i find out that i love design. I almost designed the magazine until forgot to eat my lunch or dinner..haha..Hoping that my magazine will win the camera and nt only the pizza.Dreaming...

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kahfei91 说...
